The Rose that Grew from Concrete
Tupac Amaru Shakur (2Pac) wrote a short poem called ‘The Rose that Grew from Concrete. I took the title and wrote my own poem.

The Rose that grew from Concrete,
Exemplifies man’s great deceit,
We marvel at vehicles and skyscrapers while the rose stays discreet,
Pushing through the cracks, the beauty, so complete,
It shows that God’s creation is most beautiful,
And even when God’s existence is irrefutable,
We look at the Rose and can’t comprehend the indisputable,
In God We Trust… now there’s a phrase that’s suitable,
Trust in God and Trust His word,
Trust His message, The peace will be unheard,
Felt in the hearts of many like the tune of the humming bird,
Even the Rose blossoms at the sound, it is never deterred,
So, the Rose that grew from concrete,
Exemplifies only a small amount God’s feat,
The Rose represents the beauty amongst the ugliest of habitats,
And nothing is a victim of happenstance!