Princess of Palestine

She wakes up in the morning, wipes the sleep out her eyes,
Washes up, covers up, gets ready to pray to the most high,
Tries to shut herself off from the noise of the world, she closes her mind,
Raises her hands, she’s longed for this time,
She recites the thana but her mind is distracted,
The world is too loud, she’s now affected,
Tears flow from her eyes, her mouth lets out a whimper,
She takes a deep breath… And begins to whisper…
Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin…
Serenity fills her heart… Al-Rahmani Al-Rahim,
As she goes on reciting, she’s lost in her salah,
she doesn’t hear the fighting, even though she is in the heart of gaza,
Her brothers are dying but her only concern is Allah,
For she knows there’s no way out even in Rafah,
So before the bombs kill her, she wants 1 more sujood,
1 more minute to recite some durood,
1 more moment to be true to her deen,
1 more life but without the cruelty she’s seen,
As she gives her Salaams, she senses her doom,
For a moment she thinks “no, it’s too soon”,
But faith fills her heart, death has embraced her,
She smiles as the rockets smash through her window, she tightens the hijab that covers her,
She holds her forefinger to the sky “La ilaaha il Allah”,
The Princess of Palestine, but now she’s a queen of Jannah.