If I die

If i die, would you cry for me?
Would you shed some tears while you think of me?
Would you raise your hands and pray for me?
Would you find it in your heart to forgive me?
Would you visit my mum and my family?
Would you sit and tell them good stories about me?
Would you hug them tight and encourage them to pray for me?
And say, “he was a good man, your Hani”
Would you want to take part in washing me?
Would you find the strength to shroud me?
You know I like a woody scent, would you put it on me?
Would you take my coffin to my Ammi?
Would you attend my funeral, and pray my final Salaah for me?
Would you let the Imam talk about me?
Would you glance at my lifeless face and pray for me?
Pray for me? Pray for me? Pray for me?
Would you lift my coffin to my grave for me?
Would you recite the Shahadah to remind me?
That my time is ending, and I should be ready when you leave me?
Would you help lower my coffin to my final resting place for me?
Would you take some mud from your hands and drop it on me?
And remind me?
From the earth I came, To the earth I return and from the earth my lord will resurrect me…
Would you quietly listen to my Shaykh recite Al Baqarah to me?
Would you join your hands and supplicate for me?
Would you console my brother and tell him to pray for me?
Tell him death is imminent and soon he will be reunited with me.
Would you visit my grave frequently?
Read surah Yasin and the 4 qul to me?
Supplicate and ask my Lord to forgive me?
For underground you don’t know what is happening to me.
If I die would you do all this for me?
Or will I die with nobody there to pray for ease for me?
Please forgive me for all that I am and used to be.
Pray that the Prophets light illuminates my grave for me.