An Ode to Innes

The smile on the face filled with nur,
Laugh lines and that sparkle in the eye so pure,
A heart that beats the drum of Muhammad,
A soul yearning for His beloved,
A soft spoken soul, as the story he told,
Of the life of the Seal, how he let it unfold,
The child is in awe, as is the elder,
It’s like he lived at the time, his heart doesn’t falter,
Now we embrace, we pray and we race,
To find anything that will remind us of his blessed face,
A memory, we hold on tight…
Grown men shedding tears in the dark night,
But Innes Brings joy like the beauty of a falcon,
Islam on his tongue, Muslim through action,
The state of the Ummah, his concentration,
Reaching Allah, without distraction,
And with his Prophet ﷺ, a deep connection,
Reciting the Qur’an knowing it is his protection,
Oh my brother, we are indebted to you,
You have shown us a faith, our hearts have strengthened by you,
I feel like what we know is all a dream,
I always remember the warmth of when you hugged me so tight when I came back from Tarim,
Your eyes lit up and you jumped for embrace,
I close my eyes and all I see is your face,
I thank Allah for blessing me with your companionship,
I’ve always seen you as a father figure with your poise and leadership,
Even down to the smallest detail like how you wear your brown hat,
The way you love your children, I want to be a father just like that,
I love you Innes, and I pray for you night and day,
All I ask is you keep smiling because your smile soothes the hearts in an unknown way,